Summary Dividend and Tax Information

Throughout the year, HLEND seeks to generate qualified interest income (QII) that may be exempt from U.S. withholding tax when distributed to non-U.S. stockholders.  The current year’s QII information is estimated based on the HLEND’s activity to-date and/or expected activity for the remainder of the year.  The tax status of distributions for a tax year depends on HLEND’s total amount of taxable income for the year and, therefore, cannot be confirmed until after the end of the tax year.  As a result, HLEND’s distributions for the tax year may be recharacterized later based upon subsequent events. HLEND reports the final amount of QII for a taxable year in a written statement issued after the end of the year.

This information is not intended to constitute tax, legal, accounting, investment, or other professional advice and should not be relied upon for tax advice purposes. Because each stockholder’s tax status is unique, stockholders should consult their tax advisor regarding how to interpret the information below and the tax consequences to them given their particular circumstances.

Record Date Pay Date Amount Type % QII
2022 Year-to-Date $1.8294 89.70%
2023 Year-to-Date $2.7680 86.94%
2024 Year-to-Date $2.5800 84.65%
1/29/2025 2/28/2025 $0.1600 Monthly 84.65%
1/29/2025 2/28/2025 $0.0550 Variable Supplemental 84.65%
2025 Year-to-Date $0.2150 84.65%